Ali Wren

whole-hearted living, healthy-minded eating

A Manifesto

Over the last 31 days, I’ve shared about authentic friendship–including my own stories, and insights from friends in all stages of life. After hearing from countless women about their desires for authentic friendship, and what it means to them, I’ve come up with a working definition of authentic friendship:

a deep-rooted friendship in which we can be ourselves—fully loved and accepted. Authentic friendship offers space to be honest and grace to give second chances. It encourages deep and connected conversations, and asks hard questions without judgement, guilt, or shame. Authentic friends call out the good they see in us, inspiring us to be the best version of ourselves.

And now, a Manifesto:

We are committed to bravery and vulnerability, trusting our friends with the unfiltered parts of our stories.

We love each other through seasons of celebration, and seasons of sorrow.

We fight for our authentic friendships because they are worth fighting for.

We seek to wholly love ourselves, so that we can wholly offer love.

We choose deep connection, and cultivate being known and loved and accepted.

We are committed to listening before speaking.

We see the good in each friend, and call out the unique gifts that she brings to this world.

We admit our messes and mistakes, and extend grace to our friends when they need it.

We inspire our friend to be the best version of herself, believing she will also ignite that in us.

We choose to be grateful for the beautiful and rare gift of authentic friendship.

Thank you for being on this journey with me. I hope you feel empowered and encouraged to cultivate true, real, raw, deep, authentic friendships. If you missed some of the posts, click here to see all 31 posts about authentic friendship. Thank you for letting me share my life and my heart with you.

Love, ALI XO

This is part of a series called 31 Days of Authentic Friendship. Click here to see all posts.





About Ali

I'm Ali. I write about my journey of living a full and healthy life with food allergies, overcoming the comparison trap, and cultivating authenticity.

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