Ali Wren

whole-hearted living, healthy-minded eating

A Benediction for Authentic Friendship

A Benediction for Authentic Friendship

May we have

Wisdom to know when to be quiet and listen. Courage to be vulnerable and share our story. Understanding when we feel hurt. Eyes to see ways we can be a better friend. Bravery to share honestly and openly. The capacity to love selflessly and forgive unconditionally. Words to share when we feel wronged. Ears to hear how we have wronged.

Hope as we seek new and meaningful friendships.

Grace when it’s time for a necessary ending.

Patience to restore broken relationships.

May we seek

Connection, beauty, and goodness instead of gossip, judgement, comparison, jealousy, or isolation.

With bravery, compassion, and grace.


This is part of a series called 31 Days of Authentic Friendship. Click here to see all posts.

About Ali

I'm Ali. I write about my journey of living a full and healthy life with food allergies, overcoming the comparison trap, and cultivating authenticity.

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