Ali Wren

whole-hearted living, healthy-minded eating

You Are a Masterpiece

My mom has always wanted me to love and accept myself. She wanted the best for me, and always will. All moms want the best for their children. All parents do. I can’t imagine what it must be like to watch your daughter grow up, and feel helpless at times when it seems like comparison […]

Stay in Your Lane

Hayley Morgan cheers other women on in their passions and dreams. Her confidence and creativity are quintessentially contagious to women in all walks of life. How does she overcome the comparison trap? I try to keep my eyes on my own lane. Just like driving, if you take your eyes off the road for too long […]

Overcoming the Comparison Trap

There is something wrong with me, I used to think. Constantly comparing myself to everyone else–friends, family, colleagues, and even strangers on the internet, I was stuck in a trap. The comparison trap. Appearance, talents, status, possessions, relationships, money. You name it. I never measured up, always fell short, felt worthless, and wanted to be […]