Ali Wren

whole-hearted living, healthy-minded eating

2016 Reflection

My word for 2016 was SEEK. I tried to seek patience, faithfulness, gratitude, hope, joy, and beauty instead of seeking worry, doubt, fear, and negativity. There were also a lot of prayers I was seeking–for myself, my family, and my friends. I’ve been reflecting on the year in my prayer journal, and even though 2016 is coming to a close, I will still keep praying the prayers that haven’t yet been answered.

Highlights of 2016:

My word for 2017 is SURRENDER. It feels like the opposite of seek in many ways, but it’s the word I keep coming back to. This year, I want to focus on surrendering anxiety, a scarcity mindset, selfishness, control, and the “must be nice” thoughts that get in the way of true connection and community.

Do you have a word for 2017? I’m creating backgrounds and wallpapers for smart phones and computers to stay mindful of our word or phrase for the year. You can order yours for $0.99 here.

Thank you for letting me share my life with you. I hope that 2017 brings you love and joy.

Love, Ali XO

About Ali

I'm Ali. I write about my journey of living a full and healthy life with food allergies, overcoming the comparison trap, and cultivating authenticity.

Don’t Miss A Thing!

To stay in touch, get free tips and recipes for healthy eating with food allergies, as well as future goodies, join my community here.

  • Ali, I enjoyed reading this post for so many reasons!

    First of all, super proud of you for following your heart to general education and for the 31 days of authentic friendship posts.

    Secondly, we went on our best vacation together this year to Charleston, SC too! (When did y’all go? Where did you stay?)

    Finally, I loved learning more about you. I didn’t know you had melanoma previously, but it’s making me want to get my skin/moles checked out. (I’ll look into that at my doctor appointment coming up January 16th.)

    Ps. Going from “seek” to “surrender” – HECK YES. All the love to you my friend.

    • Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment, beautiful! XO
      I just realized I forgot to add a highlight–writing my first e-book! (Thanks for the reminder, writer pal!)

      Yes, I did have a scary melanoma experience, and you can read more about it here:

      It was our second time to Charleston, and we loved it. We LOVE Minero and Husk. The first time we went, we stayed at Tides Folly Beach. This time we had hotel points to use at the Aloft, which is way out by the airport. Two summers ago I had recently been diagnosed, so I was literally terrified of being out in the sun. This past trip was better because I was a little more removed from the diagnosis.

      Check out #wrensflysouth to see pics! xoxo

      • Oh my goodness! We stayed at a B&B (which will forever be my favorite place) on Folly Beach. Our pics are tagged with #CarpsInCarolina 🙂 I can’t wait to return. Charleston and the Folly Beach area was incredible. You better believe I’ll be creepin’ through your hashtag.